Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Nutcracker

This year Lindsey invited us to join them and Uncle Craig for a performance of The Nutcracker at The Music Hall on Wednesday, December 23rd. At the age of 30, I saw my first ballet the same time my 3 and 6 year old saw theirs. It was an incredible experience to share with them!

For some reason Cara did not want her picture taken in front of the tree. I think the amount of people inside was a little overwhelming!

Craig and Collin discussed the program...
The cousins sat together in the front row....
The gang:
Lindsey, Kylee and Connor...
Craig and the squad...
Looking over the balcony...
My little Miss J...

The orchestra warming up....
And this is the point that I got yelled at for taking pictures inside. (: We had a wonderful time! To quote Cara at intermission, "That was amazing!" I can't believe how well both the kids did to sit through a two-hour performance. We owe a very special THANK YOU to the Carlson's for the tickets and such an enjoyable evening! Hope we can make it a tradition.

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