Sunday, December 20, 2009

McKinney Christmas!

This year Dad and Lori had everyone over for the McKinney family Christmas dinner. We had Swedish pancakes and ham and then gathered to open presents.

The Carlson's gave us a 2010 Calendar - Cara has it hanging in her room!
More race cars!! Yay!
Uncle Jordan and Mandy's remote-controlled monster truck for Collin:
Hadley helping her Daddy open her Christmas present from Cara and Collin:
Battle Morph Mock 6 from Grandma and Grandpa:
Barbie pool from Grandma & Grandpa:
We are so blessed and thankful to have family who love and spoil us so much!
The cousins!

The last present to be opened was for Mandy from Jordan - an engagement ring! It was a very special Christmas for us. You can read their engagement story here.

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