Saturday, December 19, 2009

Baking Cookies for Santa

It was an honor to join James' side of the family in baking cookies for Santa this year. James' Aunts, Grandma, friends and family were all there making contributions. We drove out to Mary and Chris' beautiful house in Bucyrus - just a few miles from Spring Hill.

Without Linda's help I would probably still be in the kitchen molding my peanut-butter balls and wrapping them in saran wrap. (: We had a great time!
Collin and Cara spent most of the time in the basement decorating a gingerbread house and their own sugar cookies. Here is Collin with his:
Cara thoroughly enjoyed having babies to play with and immediately took to her role as mother hen:
The table was loaded with cookies of all different types. It was so great to get to catch up with everyone and watch the kiddos play together. Here is Grandpa Ashworth "keeping an eye" on the cookies:
Mary gave out gifts of "Cookies for Santa" plates and personally embroidered "Cookies for Santa 2009" towels to match. The kids can't wait to use it on Christmas Eve!

Thanks for having us!

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