Monday, August 17, 2009

My daughter, the Dentist lover!

"Mommy, can you show me what the tooth fairy looks like on the computer?" Yipes! We often turn to the internet to explain the stars, meteor showers, and baby moles we find in our yard. Sometimes kids are just too darn smart!

I find it rather humorous that
my daughter loves going to the dentist. And when I say "loves," I mean, after it's been one week since her visit, she starts asking me when she can go again! There is a slump of the shoulders when I break the news that our insurance only allows for two visits a year. Last week, after Cara bringing me my cell phone and asking me to call the dentist to make an appointment, she got her wish! She just really cracks me up. Here she is with her hygienist, Karen:
Cool shades for a cool chica. We couldn't have coordinated the pink any better. Collin was watching with me as his very first dentist appointment is tomorrow morning, and Cara was an EXCELLENT example of how awesome the dentist is! Here she is smiling to show off her newly polished teeth! (Karen and I discussed Cara's career as a model for kids' dentistry or as a dentist herself!)
I'll let this one speak for itself:
Cara had no cavities and everything looks great. Her 6-year molars are already in and the dentist could see her 10-year molars already in her x-rays, which is apparently very remarkable! "She has a very mature mouth," he said. I rolled my eyes and responded, "Tell me about it!" Karen said she was doing an excellent job of cleaning her teeth, the only issues she had were with a slight build up around her 6-year molars, which, Karen said, "she probably didn't even know were back there!" She has another slightly loose tooth in front, so we may be having another visit from the tooth fairy here very soon! Her tongue will push out the tooth growing in behind her baby teeth on the bottom where she lost her tooth a couple weeks ago, and may need a spacer on top, but it's just too early to tell if she will need braces. Let's just keep our fingers crossed she's blessed with her Mommy's good "teeth genes."

As a result of her taking 3 shots like a champ the week before at her Kindergarten exam with the doctor, we received 3 gift certificates for free ice cream or fountain drink from Sonic. Just wanted to share this picture with you as well!

1 comment:

TheCarlsonCrew said...

So great to see what you've all been up to...Cara looks so EXCITED for kindergarten! Can't wait to hear how the first day goes! She'll be great!! We love you. :)