Monday, August 17, 2009

Cara's First Day of Kindergarten!

Enrolling a child in public school is no easy task. I have never seen so many forms, deadlines, events, instructions, doctor appointments or shots in such a small amount of time. As organized as I typically am, I felt like an overwhelmed amateur when it came to getting Cara enrolled. Especially when the school secretary called me one week from Cara's first day and asked me if Cara was even still coming to Kindergarten! I can laugh about it now, but last week I was a wreck and rather embarrassed about how poorly I seemed to be able to follow directions. Luckily, I got some support from some experienced mother's who knew exactly what I was going through. My daughter, on the other hand, can just go in and knock it out without fear, hesitation or hindering to such a milestone in her life. I could not be more proud of my "Care-bear." As of today, my little angel is in school!

Today was a BIG day for our family. Our first born started her first day of kindergarten. We have been counting down the days with a calendar we received from the school during kindergarten round up. Cara was SO excited! She had to wake me up this morning because my alarm didn't go off, so we had a minor 15-minute scramble to get everyone ready to go in time - but we made it to the cafeteria for the morning pep-rally.

The name tag didn't make it into school with her, I found it in the car after we dropped her off, but I'm sure she'll have no problem reminding everyone who she is!

For those of you that don't know- yes, Cara chopped her bangs off last week. We were working on growing them out but she "just wanted them shorter" and I'm sure was tired of having them in her face all the time. We spend Saturday with a visit to Laurie at Beauty Brands in an attempt to fix the situation before her first day of school, but there really wasn't a whole lot we could do with bangs that short! I know they'll grow back in time.

Not even an ounce of hesitation on her part for such a big change in her life! She has always been so outgoing and brave. I couldn't be more proud of her.

I barely got a kiss goodbye before one of the teachers swept her away to take her all the way to the front row to join her classmates of all-day kindergartners and her teacher, Mrs. Brown! She was so brave - this huge crowd and new beginning didn't even phase her! I however, completely broke down and lost it when I watched my little lady disappear into a sea of "big" kids. At least I waited to completely lose it after she was no longer by my side. Even as I write this blog I am numb with shock at how big she is and what this means for us. I can't wait to hear how her day was this afternoon...thank you all for your visits, phone calls and support as we begin a new chapter in our lives! We love you all very much!

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