Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cara's 6th Birthday

Well, my little princess turned 6 this year. I'm so sorry for the delayed post - life's been a little crazy. Just wanted to share a few of my favorite pictures from her birthday with you!

She asked for an ice-cream cake so Collin and I surprised her at snack time with her princess birthday cake at school.

She actually gave two of her figurines from her cake away to other girls in her class. Only Cinderella lit up, so she kept that one.

Later that night, we had friends and family over to celebrate.

My little budding artist got an easel to exercise her hobby.

So enthused to take pictures with Mommy.

Uncle Jordan and Mandy.

Grandma & Grandpa!

Thank you all so much for making Cara's birthday so special!

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