Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Ewy Gooey! Yummy pumpkin guts! The kids were a lot more help than previous years in carving their pumpkins....

The kids were in Wichita this year so here are some pics from James' phone of their trick-or-treating outing Halloween night!

Cara started out wanting to be Tinkerbell this year, but upon sifting through the costumes at Target, found great excitement over the Silvermist (character from Tinkerbell movie) costume instead. No, no one else knew who that was, either.

And, of course, when you're 3 years old you want to be Spiderman! (Cutest one I've seen yet!)

Trick or Treat?!

And they lived happily ever after...the end.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cara's 6th Birthday

Well, my little princess turned 6 this year. I'm so sorry for the delayed post - life's been a little crazy. Just wanted to share a few of my favorite pictures from her birthday with you!

She asked for an ice-cream cake so Collin and I surprised her at snack time with her princess birthday cake at school.

She actually gave two of her figurines from her cake away to other girls in her class. Only Cinderella lit up, so she kept that one.

Later that night, we had friends and family over to celebrate.

My little budding artist got an easel to exercise her hobby.

So enthused to take pictures with Mommy.

Uncle Jordan and Mandy.

Grandma & Grandpa!

Thank you all so much for making Cara's birthday so special!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cara's Last Soccer Game

Cara playing soccer this year was very interesting. She and I fought tooth and nail every Thursday night to even get her out on the field, let alone actually run some drills or run around with her team. But, we saw improvement by the end of the season and I think she understands the practice philosophy now - and the actual game for that matter...

Coach Thompson demonstrating how to "stay back and on the line."

Gotta say folks, 4/5-year-old soccer is some seriously intense moments!

Cara demonstrating her fabulous coaching skills...

AND we're running...

Cara got a medal for finishing up the season and claims she wants to play again next year. Collin is excited to turn 4 and get to be out there, too next year! Can't wait!