Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 20, 2009 - Our Own Version of Oceans of Fun!

Well, a hose, a little water and a slide that gathers a little pool of water at the bottom equals an incredibly fun afternoon of play in our own backyard...for free!

I truly and sincerely wish that you could have heard the screams and laughter that came with these pictures! I am going to have to invest in a new battery for the digital camera so it will hold a charge for longer than 30 seconds and then figure out how to post videos on blogger! It was so incredibly blessing for me to hear the sounds of happiness from my children.

Bella did not find any of this water play amusing, whatsoever. She did, however, enjoy the peace and quiet indoors with the children outside by taking a luxurious afternoon nap.

1 comment:

TheCarlsonCrew said...

These are AWESOME pics! What great smiles those kiddos of yours have. :)

Love you!