Monday, July 27, 2009

Our First Visit from the Tooth Fairy!

So, Cara notified us last weekend that her tooth was loose. Now, any of you that know me really well know that I have some sort of freak disgust with other people's teeth. So I just told her to take it easy so it didn't come out too soon. Last night was the big night! After ending up in tears after an attempt to chomp down a bagel from church earlier in the day, she said, "Mommy, I want lunch I don't have to chew!" So we had spaghettios.

We used our Snow White purse to hold the tooth for the Tooth Fairy!

The smile is a little forced because when she overbites, we can't see her tooth! Collin was very concerned about big Sister and had to be a part of the whole ordeal. So sweet!

Well, with kindergarten starting three weeks away, it is amazing how quickly Cara's growing up! It is really great to be a part of every milestone in our young lady's life!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My little cooks in the kitchen!

It's amazing to me how much Cara and Collin enjoy cooking and baking with me so I wanted to share some pictures from last summer with you!

It's a messy job...

But someone has to look cute doing it!

The finished masterpiece! Peanut-butter-chocolate cake!
Cute pic of my kids eating my made-from-scratch chicken and spinach quesadillas!