Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We are ready to play!

So, I really wanted a swingset for the kids. We've been home a lot lately, and while we have a swing in the basement which the kids have really enjoyed, the weather has been getting warmer and warmer and the kids have been so ready to head outside!

Because we didn't have anything in OUR backyard, the kids had to go over to the neighbors which many a time left me searching for them and it obviously concerned me that I couldn't watch them. Plus, I felt guilty asking other parents to allow them to play at their house and supervise as well.

Going online I started looking for a used swingset that someone wanted to get rid of, to no avail. Plus, when it's just me and the kids, you are trying to figure out how to get a truck, break the swingset down, and haul it here and put it back together. Buying a new swingset eliminated the breaking down and often times offered free shipping to our house - but the money it required was just not in our budget right now.

Rachel is one of my 8th grade girls from my small group at church that I lead and her father, Steve, does construction. Last week I asked Steve if he would be willing to bring his truck over to our old house on Flint and help us break down the swingset and help me get it to our house and set it up. He agreed to help us!

We are SO blessed....

Steve, Jennifer, Hannah, Caleb and Rachel met us at the old house after church on Sunday to break down and load up the kids' swingset and sandbox. Steve made TWO trips to get it all here and then they stayed to put it together!

Here are Cara and Collin anxiously awaiting a slide or swing!

Cara took some pictures of the process. Caleb knotting the ropes back to the ladder - Hannah testing the strength of the bar! Mommy watching...so helpfully! (;

Putting the screws in place!

Rachel struggled with one of those buttons for quite a while - but we finally got the top in place!

They stayed to push the kids on the swings for a while before heading back home. We are so blessed to have an entire family in our life that is willing to help us with challenges we can't do on our own! Thank you so much Parkers! My sanity will be saved by being able to send the kids outside without them having to go to a neighbor's house to swing, and the kids are so happy they get to have friends over to play on their swingset!! And it was all free!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hope you wore your green and didn't get any pinches!

We spent the entire day and evening outside.

Mommy went inside to make some chicken sandwiches for dinner, and came out to find a majority of the neighborhood kids in the driveway! Olivia, the eldest, painted everyone's names under the title "Best Friends" - Asissta, Baka, Olivia, Ben, Collin, Erin and Cara. It was quite the troop watching them all ride various vehicles up and down the street. Mandy came out in the early afternoon to hang out with us and stayed for dinner - via lawn chairs in the driveway.

We love our new friends and neighborhood - and hope you all had an enjoyable Holiday!

God bless,

Sarah, Cara and Collin

Monday, March 16, 2009


22606 Madison Street!

It's nothing special, but it's manageable and it's ours. (Collin's room was too messy for picture taking!) Thank you all for your love and support - we are so proud to call it home!

We hope you can visit soon!


Sarah, Cara and Collin

The Tent

Last week I had Connor and Jaime baby-sit the kids for a little while while I went out to dinner. I came home to a big surprise!!
Connor had said that she had a "project" she had wanted to do with kids sometime when she baby-sat, and I remember building tents like this when I was little, but complete with stars??!!

I am truly so blessed to have people in my life that want to do this for me and my kids. It really meant a lot!
Thank you so much Connor and Jaime for wanting to help make my kiddos feel special - the tent stayed up for most of the weekend! We love you lots! And next time you invite Cara and Collin to go on a safari...
The kids now each own their own flashlights for the adventure!! (:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Field Trip to the Fire Department

Last Friday I decided to exercise my new independence with work and surprise Cara by accompanying her and her classmates on a field trip to the Stillwell Fire Department. The kids really enjoyed seeing how much of a home the fire department really is for the firefighters and Mommy enjoyed brushing up on Fire Safety.

This year the Fire Department got a new ambulance and expect a new firetruck shortly.

The fire fighters were great with the kids. We watched Rainbow Valley Fire Department (which the firefighters confessed was on their regular movie agenda) and we got to time one of the firemen getting their uniform on in 60 seconds!

Valentines Day

This year for Valentines day we celebrated with minimal celebration. The kids made Valentines for their class mates and Friday Mandy ended her day of baby-sitting by driving them to school for their party.
On Saturday morning, we got to open presents from Grandma and Grandpa McKinney - a new Baker outfit for Collin and a beautiful red jumpsuit for Cara.
We also enjoyed dinner at The Spoke with Grandpa and had a very gorgeous hostess show us to our table that night! (Grandma Lori) Mommy had a romantic dinner with Grandpa while Cara and Collin played pool (sort of).
Hope you all were very loved!